Book Recommendations

My Favorite Books: Fairytales & Retellings (A Fairytale Summer Blog Event)

Greetings, fairytale enthusiasts! You’re just in time for my list of some of my favorite classics and retellings. So come on in, rest your weary feet by the roaring fire, and help thy self to some salty and sweet snacks. 🙂

My 3 Favorite Classic Fairytales:

Coming in at my top favorite. There’s something so magical and timeless about the story of the boy who never grew up. There are so many amazing quotes too!

“To live will be an awfully big adventure.”

“Stars are beautiful, but they may not take part in anything, they must just look on forever.”

“Wendy, Wendy, when you are sleeping in your silly bed you might be flying about with me saying funny things to the stars.”

I could go on, but then we’d be here all day…

This is a book I adore because I fell in love with the cartoon at a young age. I fondly remember always talking my parents into adding the VHS to the pile when we rented movies at our local Blockbuster. It’s a charming story that I’m proud to own in my library.

And lastly, I’ve always found the story of Hansel and Gretel so fascinating! It’s definitely spooky, even a bit terrifying, but so interesting. And you can’t beat the 2002 movie version with Howie Mandel.

My 3 Favorite Fairytale Retellings:

This series was, in a word, spectacular! It was also my first honest-to-goodness intro to the retelling genre back in 2018. I’m past due for a revisit.

I can’t complete this list without including this one! Amazing story, shippable characters, and a wholesome romance. It was perfect! And it’s also free…(

This sweet Beauty and Beast retelling was amazing! The villain was annoying, and yet his presence made the story great because he was such a botheration.

And now just for funsies…

3 Fairytale Retellings on my TBR:

I sincerely hope you enjoyed my list of book recs! 🙂 What are some of your favorite fairytales and/or retellings? Drop ’em below!

Since this is an ongoing summer event, make sure you hit up all the blogs:

Thursday (June 20th) – Cinderella by Every Other Name ~ Amelia Grace

Friday (June 21st) – Favorite Fairytale Movies ~ Katherine Perry

Saturday (June 22nd) – Fairytale Inspired Moodboards ~ C.K Heartwing

Sunday (June 23rd) –

Monday (June 24th) – Favorite Fairytale/Retelling Books ~ You are here 🙂

Tuesday (June 25th) – Magical Moodboards ~ Amelia Grace

Wednesday (June 26th) – Blog Post ~ Madisyn Carlin

Thursday (June 27th) – Favorite Fairytale Retellings ~ Katja Labonté

Friday (June 28th) – Snow and Rose ~ Lillian Keith

Saturday (June 29th) – My Favorite Fairytale (s) ~ Amelia Grace /  Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Rose Q. Addams

Sunday (June 30th) –

Monday (July 1st) – Blog Post ~ Jaiden Phillips

Tuesday (July 2nd) – Penelope Penwiggles Posts ~ Lillian Keith

Wednesday (July 3rd) Favorite Fairytale Books ~ Desiree

Thursday (July 4th) – Favorite Fairytale / Thanks for Playing!~ Amelia Grace

Until next time. Happy Reading!


11 thoughts on “My Favorite Books: Fairytales & Retellings (A Fairytale Summer Blog Event)”

  1. Thank you so much for joining us Virginia!

    These all look so good, I haven’t read any of these retelling, but I’ll be sure to look into them!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh, A Curse of Gold & Beauty and Hunting Sirens look like interesting books! I’m adding them to my tbr!

    One of my favorite fairy tales is Cinderella, and my favorite retelling book is The Princess Companion by Melanie Cellier.

    Liked by 1 person

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